Regulating areas of artificial intelligence (AI) involves the collaboration of several actors. This includes machine learning technicians, artificial intelligence (AI) creators, artist users, regulatory developers, Courts, and Tribunals-. All contribute their expertise to the question explored in this article about the copyright of artists’ artificial intelligence(AI) products. The question arises as to who or what becomes the author to obtain copyright or, other recognized interests, when the person traditionally defined as an author is removed from the project, as occurs when using AI tools. This article reviews the matter of copyright for AI images in Europe, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and China. It also raises the question of whether copyright philosophy for AI art products, fits the environmental needs of the 21st century. Given that AI is a rapidly developing area, future research requires that matters covered in this article be revisited as legislation is implemented, and case law is reported in regions and countries looked at in the article and other parts of the world. |
Part 1: Introduction
Regulating areas of AI for creating art requires the collaborative skills of a diverse group of actors. Everyone must play a part in the development of copyright law and regulations. These people include the developers of AI, those who know about computer programs, those who develop legislative frameworks for copyright and digital recognition systems, and the creators of AI art images.
The AI art image copyright issue is one of the items governments and regions are dealing with for developing rules and regulations for the 21st century for artificial intelligence. As part of this development, the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) has written about the value that AI can bring to environmental work.[1] The UNDP article reviews how environmental objectives can be augmented by AI Art images.
This article will examine the current situation regarding AI art copyright. It sets out the way regions and countries are managing the question of copyright for artists’ AI Art products. For this, it examines the current situation regarding AI art copyright in the United States, Canada, selected countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom, and China. It also mentions methods being developed to allow people to bypass copyright and protect their AI images.
Also covered in the article are philosophies for creating copyright regulations in the 21st century, and people’s desire to create and distribute AI art material. This will consider how people’s rights can be balanced with methods that benefit the environment in developing regulations for AI Art protection. In addition to philosophies, concepts of neuroscience and biopsychological models and their implications for AI will be reviewed.
Part 2: Defining AI
AI has several definitions, but the definition chosen for this work is from an article published by the United Nations about the use of Artificial Intelligence for environmental matters:
AI systems are information-processing technologies that integrate models and algorithms that produce a capacity to learn and to perform cognitive tasks leading to outcomes such as prediction and decision-making in material and virtual environments. AI systems are designed to operate with varying degrees of autonomy by means of knowledge modelling and representation and by exploiting data and calculating correlations.[2]
Artificial intelligence(AI) is a type of AI that generates images, text, videos, and other media in response to prompts that are made to the machine being used.
When we look at the creation of images for environmental matters we need to ask the question, who is responsible for the creation of the image? Is it the person who authored the article or the person who gave the prompts to the AI system? Can it be argued that it is a combination of the two? These are the questions countries and AI developers are asking.
The use of AI algorithms for the creation of artwork raises the question of who the author is and who has the right to claim copyright or protection of the material produced. We know that through AI algorithms, AI tools can produce a book, compose a melody, or develop computer applications. This offers opportunities for people to use AI algorithms to develop works in which word prompts allow them to create an artistic product. There are situations where the creator spends a great deal of time working with the computer prompts and parameters, and other situations where the creator has intervened minimally, or should the system be programmed to work autonomously, may have little involvement.
Part 3: Authorship and Intellectual Property
Intellectual property includes intangible rights that protect products that are created by human intelligence. This incorporates musicians, authors, artists, and inventors who author the creations.
The copyrights are protected by statute for a limited amount of time, so the author or original creator has the exclusive privilege to use these rights unless they are transferred to another. This includes the right to publish, sell, and reproduce the work. Any violation of these rights is referred to as an infringement.[3]
Within the context of copyright, the word, “author” is important. While, in early times, artists were considered artisans of trade, gradually, the term author became associated with originality, authority, and property.[4]
Part 4: Review of AI art products and copyright in Regions and Countries
4.1 European Union
Europe has moved ahead to set the framework of regulations for AI. The AI Act (AI Act) came into force on August 1, 2024, other than Article 113 which sets matters of entry into force and application of the Act. The provisions of the Act come into place on different dates, with all to be effective on August 2, 2026.
The AI Act is a European Union regulation concerning artificial intelligence (AI) which establishes a common regulatory and legal framework for AI within the European Union (EU).[5] A thorough overview of the Act is provided by A. Guadamuz in the Journal of World Intellectual Property.[6]
The present article does not provide an overview of the AI Act, because, although relevant to the structure being adopted by the European Union for AI, it does not address the matter of copyright for art products. The article does, however, review the situations in two European countries, being the counties of France, and Spain.
4.1(1) France
Copyright law in France protects original works without specifics as to the form of the works. Thus, confusion has resulted as to whether AI-generated works have protection. This uncertainty has led to proposals being put forward as to how people involved in AI can receive recognition.[7]
To address the uncertainty, legislation was introduced in France in 2023 to provide a framework for AI generated work and the conditions required for copyrighted work.
As this technology is developing rapidly, laws and regulations are likely to multiply, and decisions made regarding the conditions that allow copyright to be asserted. For the moment, general copyright rules where there is no AI apply, meaning copyright protection requires the work must be original and will depend on the degree of human intervention as shown in case law on computer generated works.[8]
4.1(2) Spain
Spain only provides copyright protection to works created by a person. There is no protection for AI art products alone. This is explained in an article by Pablo Pedraza, an intellectual property legal specialist. [9]
He writes about the collective works caveat which provides that more than an autonomous machine is required for creation of the image which will have the right to protection. He also outlines scenarios that may govern the future development of the legal framework for this technology. He sets out four options:
- Deny Intellectual Property protection.
- Grant a legal personality. i.e., Electronic personality.
- Provide a sui generis This is a separate legal classification that would be made for this technological product.
- Co-ownership or collaboration, rights to the transformed work.
The option to be chosen will depend on the philosophy adopted to draft the regulations.[10] All options are being discussed as AI continues its development and outreach.
Most of the regions and countries in this article adopt a human proprietary approach to the question of regulation of AI images. This is shown by questions such as, “ [h]ow do we overcome this legal regime?”[11] One example mentioned in the Pedraza material is a case from the United States. It found that an AI photo taken by a monkey did not qualify for copyright, as a monkey is an animal, not a human.
This article now leaves the European Union, to look at situations in the countries of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and China.
4.2 United States
Copyright law in the United States protects material created by humans. Despite this bold provision, the copyright office hears cases on a case-by-case basis regarding what is considered material created by a human.[12] Also important to the recognition of proprietary interests is the law of copyright infringement where artists show their work is being used without authority and proper recognition. [13]
4.3 Canada
The government of Canada has produced an informative guide on the use of AI but does not answer the question of copyright registration or breach of copyright. [14]
Research shows that the answer to the AI, art image copyright question may be different in Canada from the answer provided by Courts in the United States. This will depend on the Court’s interpretation of the copyright legislation in Canada regarding the standards for originality for authorship. Current research shows that the registration of AI-generated images in Canada remains an open question.
The question is presently before the Federal Court of Canada which will provide more guidance in the area when its decision is released.[15]
4.4.United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has called for a public consultation on this topic, which will be completed on February 25, 2025. [16] The Ministerial introduction shows the focus of the UK government to be on economics and balancing the needs of the creative industry and the AI sector. It does not write about the impact of AI on the environment or how artists can use AI to benefit the environment. Given the objectives set out by the Ministry, the authors inquire whether the public has been provided with information about AI’s interaction with interests such as the environment and sustainable development goals, both relevant areas to the development and use of AI in the 21st century.
In response to the public inquiry, the creative arts community has also criticized the government’s approach. People in the creative arts industry are being called to add their voices to public consultation. [17] This response seeks to provide a voice for these people by helping them walk through the material presented for the inquiry.
It goes a step further, however, creating an open letter for those involved in the creative arts industry in the UK to sign. This focuses on copyright, without identifying rights of the commons or AI’s interaction with the environment and sustainable development. That would require artists interested in participating in the public inquiry to craft their responses.
4.5. China
International lawyer, Alfredo Esposito, writes about two legal decisions that help define what is required to make AI work protectable. He writes about two cases, one from the United States, and the other from China. His work adds to the material previously set out for AI copyright in the United States.
The first case Esposito writes about is from the United States. It involved an AI program, using Midjourney software. The work in question was a comic book, Zaraya of the Dawn. It was granted hybrid copyright by the U.S. Copyright Office, allowing copyright for the text of the book but not for the AI images. The Court did, however, confirm the principle that to be protectable, there must be considerable original author contribution.
The second case he writes about is from China. It is a 2023 decision of the Beijing Internet Court. This case provides insight into the degree of interaction a person must have to prove originality. The tribunal found that the person who had created the images had used several prompts and adjusted the parameters to meet that person’s “ aesthetic choice and personal judgement.”[18] The law firm, Baker and McKenzie, refers to this decision as a “groundbreaking court judgment marking a milestone in Chinese intellectual property.”[19]
These cases show the person making the AI-produced work needs to show considerable ingenuity in managing the software that has been used for the AI product. The Beijing Tribunal mentioned this fact in its decision, indicating, Mr. Li, who created the AI work, “made a certain degree of intellectual investment” in creating the image. This included several prompts for the Stable Diffusion software, such as, “high-quality, high-detail color, RAW photo, idol of Japan, highly detailed asymmetrical attractive face, dreamy black eyes, reddish brown hair.” It was also found that Mr. Li’s work excluded features, such as drawing, comics, 3d, and painting. He wanted to ensure those features were not used by Stable Diffusion.
Information in the decision also shows the type of software used by the person is important. For example, the software used in the Chinese case was found to be like a camera, with many parameter settings, whereas the Midjourney software, used in the American case, had fewer customized options. These cases guide what courts and tribunals require to provide copyright protection for AI work produced.
Part 5: Other methods to protect digital artwork.
This article mentions other methods that have been developed for the protection of digital images of artwork. The first is blockchain which provides a method to securely store and record the image. Linked to this method are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), used to represent the art image and other items. The blockchain concept is defined as follows:
Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Each transaction, or block, is securely linked to the previous one, creating a chain of blocks. This chain is immutable, meaning that once a block is added, it cannot be altered.[20]
The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) has been developed to identify items stored, defined, and traded in the blockchain system. Thus, an artist’s AI work could be an NFT. [21]
The benefits of pairing these technology methods are explored in an article by KMPG, a leading accounting and technology advisor. The KMPG article writes about the power of partnering AI and blockchain.[22] It also sets out that the Blockchain system may be a valuable method as AI use increases. It suggests that blockchain might be used to protect intellectual property interests given its ability to decentralize identity and capability to verify and ensure the authenticity and ownership of intellectual property.
While useful to mention the development of blockchain and NFTs, regarding AI art protection, this topic of blockchain is outside the scope of this article about copyright for artists’ use of AI to create work. These developments do, however, show that, like copyright, blockchain and NFTs advance a proprietary approach.
Despite this, holding a property interest does not determine how this interest will be used. Should the person using the computer to create AI work desire to use AI images to benefit the environment, there may be a benefit in allowing the human creator to control the AI work produced.
There is also value in conducting public consultations on this question, to determine public will in different regions or countries. This can help shape how regulations and laws are developed, and where controversy occurs in the legal interpretation of the legislation, assist Courts and Tribunals in their decisions.
Part 6: Discussion of the philosophies for AI art copyright and the environment.
AI Technology is developing at a breakneck speed, and new ways of interacting with people and the environment are being developed each day. Questions are being asked about the authenticity of AI images, and the degree of human involvement in the creation of the AI product.
As AI develops more autonomy in making images, fewer prompts and changes of parameters will be required. This may result in the question of copyright finding itself further and further away from traditional proprietary rights that need to be protected. With such changes, the argument for recognizing AI images as sui generis, a separate category, is strengthened. With this, the United Nations’ objective of using AI for environmental purposes leads to the possibility that artists’ AI work can be used to raise environmental awareness, suggest methods to prevent extreme weather environmental impacts, and create environmental programs for communities.
These objectives fit ideas established by theologist and writer Thomas Berry, in his book, The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future, [23] and his article, The Great Work of the New Millennium. [24] Berry focuses on the need for Western civilization to change its perspective from a quest for “progress -industrial, commercial, money-making [p]rogress,” to one that seeks a relationship with the earth. He writes about principles required to reassess the role of humans in transitioning to a system where humans become functional participants in the Earth community. This requires a shift to a collective community within the Earth system.[25]
Berry’s work illustrates the importance of balancing the role of humans with AI development. It suggests the need for people to revisit the role of AI and copyright. With the advent of other methods such as blockchain, it raises the question of whether copyright remains important in the 21st century, and, if so, how it relates to existing environmental concerns.
These questions are also considered by academic Karl -Nikolaus Peifer, in the chapter, The Return of the Commons – Copyright History as a Common Source, in the book Privilege and Property.[26]
Peifer’s article explains that copyright law is shaped by the definition of property with an emphasis on the concepts of exclusivity and control. He shows that these concepts have not gone unchallenged, with the open access movement of knowledge dissemination also being part of copyright history. He writes about the crisis of copyright law and intellectual property rights which have developed systems that lack acceptance by users, consumers, and creators.
Peifer promotes an approach to the AI copyright issue by revisiting author rights to create a system that has public acceptance. He does not go further to look at the rights of the environment. Melding his will to have a system that is acceptable to people with Thomistic theory, AI regulations could focus on the common good to ensure proprietary rights benefit stainable development goals, and the environment. This would satisfy Peifer’s goal, for public acceptance of the regulations governing these technologies by AI users, consumers, and creators.
A second article, Thomistic Intellect, Neuroscience, and the Implications for AI, is also based on Thomistic ideology.[27] The writer, Tim Williams adopts the position that Thomistic intellect is a spiritual faculty that exists in humans but is distinct from ordinary reasoning. For this, he refers to abstract reasoning.
Williams refers to three elements to show this form of intellect: simple apprehension, judgment, and intuition of being. He opines that neuroscience seeks to match mental processes with neural activity which provides a better understanding of cognition, and brain function. He writes that the gap between Thomism and neuroscience can be filled by intuition, which acts as a bridge between subjective and objective dimensions and provides grounding for empirical and logical knowledge.
Relating his argument to the philosophical aspects of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI, he writes that the Thomistic Perspective of NLP and AI leads to a cautious approach to the use of both. He mentions concerns about reductionism or oversimplifying human cognition. He finds there is skepticism about whether AI can achieve true consciousness. Finally, he indicates that the Thomistic approach demands a strong focus on the ethical implications of AI including matters of privacy, job displacement, and the use of autonomous weapons.
Williams writes that following a Neuroscientific Perspective leads to a more optimistic approach to NLP and AI. He writes that this approach provides a foundation for providing a theoretical framework for modeling neural networks that may lead to breakthroughs in brain-computer interfaces and enhanced cognitive understanding. Finally, he writes that employing a neuroscientific perspective focuses on the functional capabilities of AI in priority to philosophical questions about consciousness, the nature of the mind, and ethics.
Whether these two philosophies can be married is uncertain. Both show that regulation of AI raises important decisions for the role of humans with one another and with the environment. For the question at hand, being the copyright of an artist’s AI product, the Thomistic approach seeks a balance between human and environmental rights. In contrast, the neurological approach would focus on promoting the functional capabilities of AI. Showing how those functional capabilities are tied to the well-being and care of the environment may be the way both theories can co-exist in developing AI copyright regulations.
Part 7: Biopsychological Model for AI-Created Artistic Products
Another example that shows the complexity of author and copyright issues is by using a biopsychological approach. This method was developed based on the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. It is often associated with George Engel who suggested it for the first time in 1977 in connection with medicine and health.[28] Engel stressed that biological processes, psychological circumstances, and sociocultural factors are interconnected and should be considered when analyzing an individual’s health.
Although initially used in the context of health and disease, the approach has now been expanded to other areas such as the study of creativity and art. In this context, the three factors are examined concerning the artist’s decisions and the art produced. Thus, understanding the artist’s background is crucial for the interpretation of that person’s production. The artist’s childhood, schooling, physical surroundings, and cultural factors inform the creative choices the artist makes. For instance, the use of bright colors may reveal the artist’s optimistic childhood, while abstract shapes may result from philosophical contemplation or anger toward the conventions of art.
This framework can also be used for AI-created art products, recognizing there will be some differences based on AI characteristics, and the role of the user. While applying the biopsychological approach to AI art provides insights into its creation process, it also raises questions about the authenticity of the work and the ethical responsibilities of users. Research shows the question has arisen as to whether it is possible for AI to truly replace the emotional depth of human experience.[29] This echoes Williams’ skepticism, referred to earlier in this article, about whether AI can achieve true consciousness. Or it may be that one can conclude that the value of the AI product lies in augmenting human creativity.
Part 7.1 Biopsychological Model for AI-Created Artistic Products
With the emergence of AI, the term “AI Artist” does not represent an individual who has lived through the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors but rather reflects a machine made by human individuals for a purpose. As such, we can think of the process of AI art generation as a collaborative composition consisting of influences, decisions, and human effort.
Part 7.2 Background of the “AI Artist”
“AI-generated art” is rooted in the dataset it has been trained on, its architecture, and the objectives provided by its creators.[30] For instance, an AI placed into the world of Renaissance Art is an AI conditioned with the mindset of that period and its aesthetic preferences.
Also, developers, like mentors or educators, play a role in “raising” the AI. Their decisions—what data to include, which algorithms to use, and how to fine-tune the model—reflect their biases, preferences, and artistic values.
Part 7.3 Influences on AI’s Surroundings and Agents
The context in which AI operates, such as user inputs or constraints in its task, influences its “choices.” A user prompting AI with keywords like “melancholy” or “joy” affects the resulting artistic product.
Similarly, the socio-political context at the time of AI’s development shapes its outputs, a concept discussed as part of AI’s environment, meaning the, surroundings in which an AI agent operates and interacts. This will influence creativity. For instance, AI-generated artistic products in the 2020s explore themes like automation, alienation, and humanity’s relationship with technology. Related to this article, AI-generated artistic products would explore themes of environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and the changing climate. This could also include the environmental impact AI development has on the environment.
Part 7.4 The Role of the User: A Collaborative Creation
The artist user takes on the role of the most important figure, as being in charge of the AI’s results because of the prompts, advancements, and choices made. This symbiotic relationship between the user and the machine is espoused by Caldwell in an article in the Houston Law Review that argues the user is clothed with creativity and legal authorship in AI works.[31] For example, an artist may decide:
(1) Which prompt to use (e.g., “sunset in surrealist style” vs. “geometric abstract patterns”).
(2) Which among the generated outputs to select for further refinement?
(3) How to fine-tune the artwork by providing feedback to the AI or focusing on specific details.
Each of these elements adds to the originality of the AI art product, identified in the case law as required for satisfying AI copyright. Balancing copyright interest with Thomistic theory, an artist who wants to benefit the environment could provide a Creative Commons license to allow others to use the AI product.[32]
Part 7.5 AI as an Intelligent Tool, Not the Sole Creator
While the AI creates the initial outputs, the human user remains the primary author whose choices furnish the artistic product with meaning, culture, and purpose. The work of art is much more about AI as a tool for creativity rather than a self-sufficient creator.
Part 7.6 The AI Creator -AI’s Decisions, and Why it Creates What It Does
AI algorithms, like human artists, have to decide on color, structure, and form. The difference is that this is done through statistical analysis as opposed to being done by emotional states. For instance, a generative adversarial network (GAN) can be trained to select colors and shapes that it believes a human would like.
The “why” in AI artistic production is typically traceable to the creators and users of the system. For instance, if an AI product creates an abstract form in dull color, one explanation can be that those were the preferences used during training, or the prompt provided by the user. As AI is not human, it cannot have an intention and therefore does not express meaning in a true sense. It does, however, illustrate the meaning embedded in the intentions of the people who are using it.
Part 8: Future Research
Future research must follow the development of AI and obtain results about how authorship and copyright will be treated by countries and regions of the world. This includes decisions about the status of copyright and other methods to protect digital artwork. Future research can revisit matters reviewed in this article as laws and regulations are implemented. Also, case law can be followed to determine how Courts and Tribunals in regions and countries deal with questions of AI copyright and other systems being used to record AI work produced.
Part 9: Conclusion
The question of who the author is for AI art products is complex. The article shows it involves the interests of computer program creators and users, AI specialists, regulatory officials, artists, and the public. When the person traditionally defined as an author is removed from the project, as occurs when using natural language processing and artificial intelligence, the question becomes important for these people, and other actors.
This article provides options for regions and countries to consider in implementing AI regulations. The future will show how humans will seek to balance proprietary rights and preservation of the environment, a co-existence shown to be achievable.
The status of AI regulation development has been reviewed for the European Union, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and China. The authors suggest future research on this question be conducted for other parts of the world, and that matters canvassed in this article be revisited as AI regulations develop.
Decisions made about the option of balancing proprietary interests with environmental sustainability for AI art production are shown to be important for the 21st century. In achieving this balance, philosophical, biopsychological, and concerns for a sustainable future for people and the environment are paramount. Achieving the correct balance between these matters depends on decisions made by people in countries and regions of the world.
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Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Euclid University
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